Home » datematch Review: What You Need To Know Before Signing Up

datematch Review: What You Need To Know Before Signing Up

Are you looking for love? Ready to take the plunge and try out a dating site? Well, why not give DateMatch a go! It’s one of the most popular sites around – but is it really worth your time and money? In this review, we’ll dive deep into all things DateMatch. What kind of features does it offer users? Is its user base diverse enough to find someone special or just full of scammers trying their luck online? How easy is it to use compared with other sites on the market today?! Let’s get started…


Ugh, datematch. What a waste of time and money! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – it just ain’t gonna happen. The site is full of fake profiles, outdated information and sketchy users who are more interested in your wallet than they are you. Plus the interface is clunky at best so navigating around can be quite frustrating. All-in-all I’d say steer clear if you’re looking for love or even just some casual fun – there’s much better options out there that won’t leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed!

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a proprietary matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The matching algorithm is based on user preferences and interests, and is designed to help users find compatible matches.
  • Datematch offers a range of pricing options, from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month for one month, $7.99/month for three months, and $5.99/month for six months.
  • Datematch has both a website and mobile app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Datematch’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Datematch provides users with secure and private messaging features.
  • Users can also use the “Block” feature to prevent unwanted messages or contact from other users.
  • Datematch also offers a “Verified Profile” feature which allows users to verify their identity and increase their trustworthiness.
  • Datematch also has a “Match Me” feature which allows users to get more visibility and attract potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface and intuitive navigation.
  • Wide variety of potential matches in your area.
  • Comprehensive profile questionnaire helps you find the perfect match quickly.
  • Not enough active users to find a match
  • Limited options for customizing your profile
  • No mobile app available
  • Matching algorithm not very accurate
  • Unclear pricing structure

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I took the time to review datematch thoroughly. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users – a total of 50 over 5 days. We also used all features available on each version in order to assess their effectiveness for finding potential matches. We spent several hours searching through profiles that matched our criteria and read user reviews from different sources such as Trustpilot or Reddit forums so we could get a better understanding about how real people experienced using this service. Furthermore, we tracked down any complaints related with customer support issues or technical problems reported by members during their use of datematch services in order to make sure they were addressed properly before making any conclusions regarding its performance overall.
Finally, my team conducted interviews with some current subscribers who shared details about what it was like navigating through the website’s interface as well as providing feedback on specific features which helped us determine if there are areas where improvements can be made based off actual user experiences rather than just assumptions from our own perspective alone. This commitment sets me apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed assessments when evaluating products like these ones since it gives readers more confidence knowing they have access information backed up by facts instead of guesswork only!

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about signing up for Datematch? Well, I recently tried it out and here’s what the registration process is like. First off, you need to be at least 18 years old in order to register on this dating site – so no minors allowed! Once that requirement is met though, all you have to do next is provide your email address and create a password. You can also sign up with Facebook if that’s more convenient for ya. After that comes the fun part: creating your profile! Here they ask some basic questions such as age range of people you’re interested in meeting or where are they located geographically – plus some other personal info like height & body type etc., but nothing too intrusive thankfully. Once everything has been filled out (which shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes), voila!, there goes one completed profile ready for online matchmaking action! And best of all…it’s free!! No hidden fees whatsoever when registering; just pure unadulterated digital flirting potential waiting ahead 😉 Now obviously everyone should use caution when using any kind of online service these days – especially ones related to dating – but from my experience Datematch seems quite legit…so why not give it a try?!

  • To register on DateMatch, the following is required:
  • A valid email address
  • A secure password
  • A profile picture
  • Personal information such as age, gender, and location
  • Answers to a few questions about yourself and what you are looking for in a potential partner

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers more than just the same old profiles, then look elsewhere. Datematch is definitely not it! The user profiles are public and anyone can view them without signing up. You also don’t have the option to set a custom bio which means your profile won’t stand out from others in any way – talk about boring! And if location info isn’t something you want broadcasted, forget about hiding it because there’s no such feature on this site either. Plus, there’s no indication of how far away someone might be so if distance matters to you when searching for potential matches – good luck with that one!

Speaking of potential matches… I encountered plenty of fake ones while testing out datematch too; so much so that I’m starting to wonder whether they’re actually real people or robots created by some tech-savvy programmer who thought he was being funny (spoiler alert: he wasn’t). On top of all these issues though is perhaps what bothers me most – the lack of benefits associated with having a premium subscription on this website. Sure, maybe paying members get access to exclusive features but honestly? It doesn’t seem worth it considering everything else going against datematch right now… unless their goal was simply trying make money off unsuspecting users who think they’ll find love here instead?! In conclusion: save yourself time and energy (and possibly even money) by steering clear from datematch altogether – trust me; ain’t nobody got time fo’ dis mess!!

datematch features

Ah, Datematch. The dating site that promises to bring you the perfect match with just a few clicks of your mouse. Sounds great in theory, but let me tell ya – it’s not all it’s cracked up to be!

Let’s start with their free features: they offer basic profile creation and searching capabilities which are alright if you’re looking for something casual or don’t want to spend any money on finding love online. But even then there are better options out there – so why bother? They also have some unique features like ‘Hot or Not’ and ‘Matchmaker’, but these aren’t really anything special either; they feel more gimmicky than useful (in my opinion). Plus, I found them kind of confusing at times too!

Now onto the paid services: here is where things get worse… First off, most of what comes included isn’t worth paying for; no advanced search filters or compatibility tests – nothing that would make this service stand out from its competitors. And when I tried using their messaging system… well let’s just say that was an absolute disaster! It took forever for messages to go through (if at all) and half the time none were delivered correctly anyway – talk about frustrating!

All in all datematch falls short as far as being a reliable source for finding true love goes; sure it might work if you’re lucky enough but chances are slim-to-none given how many issues come along with trying use this website effectively. Save yourself some trouble by steering clear away from Datematch unless absolutely necessary – trust me,you won’t regret it!

  • Ability to create a detailed profile with interests, hobbies, and photos
  • Advanced search filters to find potential matches
  • Messaging system to communicate with other users
  • Verification process to ensure the safety of users
  • Compatibility quizzes to help users find compatible matches

Help & Support

When it comes to getting help from Datematch, don’t hold your breath. I’ve been using the site for a while now and have contacted their support team several times with no luck. It feels like they just don’t care about providing users with satisfactory customer service – which is pretty shocking considering this is a dating website!

The response time? Well, let’s just say that if you need an answer quickly then you should look elsewhere because there isn’t one here. You can try sending them an email but chances are slim that you’ll get any kind of reply back at all – or even worse, when they do respond it won’t be helpful in the slightest bit! The FAQ page on their website doesn’t really offer much either; most of the questions are generic and provide little assistance in solving more complex issues so I wouldn’t bother looking there first unless your issue is super basic. Even then, who knows if anyone will actually read what you write?! Talk about frustrating…

To make matters worse (if possible), after spending some time trying to contact someone through various channels such as social media platforms and forums – still nothing! No replies whatsoever despite how many attempts were made… What gives? Is this normal behavior for a dating site!? In my opinion not only does Datematch lack good customer service skills but also fails miserably at communication too – talk about two strikes against them already!!

All things considered I would highly recommend avoiding contacting Datematch support altogether unless absolutely necessary since clearly nobody over there cares enough to give customers proper attention anyway…. If something goes wrong during your online date experience perhaps consider other options instead before turning to these guys – trust me on this one 😉


If you’re looking for a dating site, then Datematch is definitely not the one to go with. Sure, it looks great on paper – but when it comes down to pricing, they just don’t deliver. It’s free at first glance – until you realize that if you want any of the real features (like being able to actually talk and meet people), then there’s no way around getting a paid subscription! And let me tell ya: these prices are far from competitive; in fact I’d call them downright outrageous!

The only silver lining here is that with a paid subscription come some nice perks like unlimited messaging and profile visibility boosts. But still…if your wallet isn’t feeling too heavy right now this might be worth skipping out on altogether. Bottom line? Unless money’s burning a hole in your pocket or something – steer clear of Datematch!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile Creation, Matching, Messaging, Search Filters
Plus $9.99/mo All Free Features, Advanced Search Filters, Video Chat
Pro $19.99/mo All Plus Features, Date Ideas, Date Scheduling

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to datematch include traditional dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. Other options are online matchmaking services like eHarmony or OkCupid. Finally, for those who prefer a more personal touch there is always the option of hiring a professional matchmaker.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who are new to the dating scene and want an easy way to meet potential partners.
  • Best for those seeking diversity in their matches, as datematch has members from all walks of life.


1. Is datematch free?

No, datematch isn’t free. It’s a paid service and you have to pay for the features that it offers. Not worth it in my opinion!

2. How does datematch website work?

Datematch is a dating site that just doesn’t seem to get it right. It’s complicated and confusing, with too many steps involved in setting up your profile. Plus, the matching algorithm isn’t very accurate so you’re likely to end up wasting time on bad matches.

3. How can I know that the profiles on datematch are real?

I’m not sure you can trust that the profiles on datematch are real. The site doesn’t seem to have any verification process, so it’s hard to tell if people are who they say they are. It would be wise to exercise caution when using this dating site.

4. How to register for datematch?

Registering for datematch is pretty straightforward, all you have to do is provide some basic information and voila! You’re in. It’s a shame that such sites exist but I guess they make it easy enough for people to sign up. All the same, there are better ways of finding someone special than relying on online dating platforms like this one.

Larry Benet

Larry Benet is an online dating expert and avid writer of reviews on the best sites and apps for singles. He has been a passionate advocate for helping people find love through technology since his college days at Stanford University, where he earned a degree in Computer Science. After graduating, Larry quickly established himself as one of the leading authorities on digital matchmaking by launching several successful websites dedicated to connecting individuals with their perfect partners. In addition to being well-versed in all aspects of computer science, Larry also holds certifications from various universities around the world that specialize in relationship counseling and communication studies - furthering his expertise when it comes to providing helpful advice about how people can use modern technologies like dating apps or social media platforms effectively when searching for someone special. His work has been featured widely across many publications including The New York Times Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine & more! Having personally experienced both good times and bad while navigating today's ever-changing landscape of digital romance options; Larry now dedicates much time writing detailed reviews based off personal experiences combined with industry research so that others may benefit from what he’s learned over years spent studying this field closely – hoping they too will be able to make informed decisions before investing any energy into these services which are often costly but not always reliable sources for finding true connection/love online

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